About Zero Food (Pvt) Ltd

Zero Food is formed and registered under the Companies Ordinance 1984, from Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, also registered with the Federal Board of Revenue Pakistan having Registration No. A305850.

We are purveyors of 100% traceable, fresh & healthy food for peoplpes, on a mission to create a better food culture for everyone in Pakistan.  We are Juicing, Blending & Serving Islamabad for the several years, and we have too many outlets who are selling our fresh, organic cold-pressed juices to peoples and our name and quality of juices is well known. We are moving forward to provide our cold-pressed 100% organic and natural juices to provide to peoples at maximum level.

Benifits of Cold-Pressed Juices

When you cold-press your juice, it retains more of the vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and antioxidants than regular juice. This makes it a healthier alternative to traditional juicing. Cold-pressed juice is never exposed to heat during its juicing process, which is important for producing more fruit per serving. You can get the nutrients you need, boost your energy levels, and improve your immune system with each bottle of cold-pressed juice.

Cold pressed juices can be high in calories because of how dense and concentrated the juice is. One bottle is usually two servings. However, they are much better for your health when you compare them to regular juices at the supermarket.

Another benefit of cold-pressed juice is that all the ingredients are 100% natural and organic. There are no added sugar or preservatives since the fruit goes straight from the fruit to the bottle. More health benefits are in every bottle because none of the vitamins and minerals are lost in the process.

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